Jonlei - Cattle - Roads and Floods

While Jonglei is now in the dry-season since almost 2 months half the state has not been accessible even up to now. The above picture shows the reality in many places. The soil is dry with cracks all over but then flooded areas are seen.  In this particular spot a river was passing. However a road was built in the previous dryseason without any culverts to lead the water away. Effectively causing major flooding for villages along a 50 km stretch. Most have now dried up but pools like these with the soild present means no vehicles can pass. We managed to cross twice but after that the road was again too soft in the mud. The picture shows a typical day in jonglei with cattle being moved to the wetlands 150 km away. People, cattle, goats and cars trying to pass in the mud.


Sunrise over pacific

Picture taken 10,000 Meters up after the sun has risen and is partially hiding in the clouds.


Islands in Fiji

Photo taken from Mana Island.


Mana Island Fiji

Spent the first day of 2011 on Mana Island , Fiji with my daughter. Crystal clear water and nice sunny place.


Sonaisali Island sunset

The picture is taken looking away from the sunset. There was a big rain on the way over the island and the clouds are lit up by the sun behind the camera. Again a pseudo HDR photo. The colors due to the clouds covering part of the sun where very deep.


Victoria Harbour , Hongkong by night

Photo is taken through the panorama window I had at InterContinental, Hongkong. The colors were just amazing.


Sunrise over South Pacific 10,000 meters up in the sky

I am back from a one month holiday, needed to leave Africa for a while. Flew to Fiji in South Pacific and had not even reached when I could start taking pictures. This on is run through a pseudo HDR process to get the full range of the colors in the sunrise.



Locations I have visited

Globetrotter Photo Gallery

About This Blog

This blog is made to show the collection of mainly HDR photo's that I am taking while travelling. In between I also post various photo's I are not HDR ut that I consider interesting.

All photo's are copyrighted, If you are interested in using any of them send me a mail.

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